Couples in Crisis
When is a Couple in Crisis?
Couples in Crisis address couples who are “at the breaking point” and Couples Therapy is probably way over due. The situation has become critical and one or both is ready to make a move. One or both are tired of the same pattern of fighting and arguing and are thinking about ending the relationship.
Often people begin to question whether they are even still in love or wonder how they got to this point.
Some people say they are “numb”, others describe intense anger and there is usually a sense of hopelessness and helplessness.
When there are minor children, whether to stay or leave becomes more difficult because the lives of the children you love will also be affected by this decision.
Whether you are married, unmarried, LBGTQ or heterosexual, separation or divorce can be difficult, even if you are the one who wants to leave.
Sometimes the decision is clear but most often it is clouded by emotions, loyalties and history.
How do you make the Right Choice?
Crisis does not have to signal the end of the relationship but it does mean changes need to happen.
Making the right choice involves understanding how the relationship became what it is today and what can be different.
Choosing whether to stay or leave is one of the biggest decisions you will have to face in your life, and it deserves reflective thinking and collaboration with a Marriage and Family Therapist with the expertise and experience to help you navigate this decision.
Some couples find us once they have separated or have decided to “give it one more try” before they separate.
We hope we can be helpful for you and the ones you love before you make a final decision.

Do you feel you are at the breaking point?
Can you remember a time when communicating seemed easier?
Has your emotional connection weakened over time?
Do you feel safe in this relationship now?
Are you fighting now over insignificant things and issues?
Has your sexual life all but ended?
Do you feel ignored, unappreciated or taken for granted?
Are financial fears and concerns taking a toll?
Is there a loss of respect and trust?
Are there infidelity concerns?
Are there issues of control?
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
– Tony Robbins
Is there verbal or physical abuse?
If this is a second marriage, is there a fear of failure?
Do you prefer to spend more time away from your partner than with them?
Have you considered contacting an attorney?
Have you thought to yourself you are tired of walking on eggs shells?